Why subscribe to Warm Feelings?

Climate change has reshaped our world, and our minds and communities are still catching up to what has already occurred and what’s to come. The climate crisis will define the rest of our lives, whether we want it to or not.

This newsletter intends to provide links, essays, interviews, reflections, analysis, and other tools to make sense of the era we’ve been forced to live through together and better integrate the atmospheric reality into how we live.

This is a personal project for me. I will write this newsletter at my own pace, as ideas and capacity come. I promise you I will never send you filler. Every essay I send will be heartful and ready, not to fill some kind of content quota. Oh, also it’s free!

Why trust me?

I am a climate science journalist, magazine editor, biologist, and birder. I first discovered climate signals in my research dataset in 2008, when climate change was still talked of as a far-off future event. That discovery changed my life. I ultimately left science proper and became a journalist to learn as much as I can about how our carbon-filled atmosphere has already transformed life on Earth. I’ve been living with the climate crisis at the forefront of my mind for a long time.

I write about ecology and ecosystems—it’s my expertise. But don’t mistake that for a lack of interest in humanity or social policy or justice. To me there is no distinction between human civilization and nature; we are one and the same. What affects ecologies and wildlife also affects us, and it’s often easier to read climate signals in study areas reigned less by society.

I will cover other topics, too, because I am a writer and this is my newsletter. This project is how I have decided to rediscover my writing voice after a long time away. My goals are to develop a regular personal writing practice and feel my way through this crisis with you.

Contact Me

My richest inspiration is conversation with friends, who come to me with their various climate-change-related questions and anxieties (and vice versa). Let’s be friends. Email me at: warmfeelings@substack.com

Logo Details

The fire image is a linoleum print I made for a New Years card a few years ago. A campfire is a meaningful image to me—Mary Oliver’s poem about making “fire after fire after fire” to stay alive, to stay warm. And I hope this newsletter serves as a late-night campfire, after most of the party has gone home, where the remaining friends talk about what is really on our minds under the stars.

Subscribe to Warm Feelings

living through climatic and ecological transformation


science journalist, climate editor at Audubon (a magazine about birds and the environment), Brooklynite, cyclist, unionist, biologist, birder, sister, friend